Fame and Fortu…well just the fame alone can’t be bad, that’s right our very own Philip Daniels can be seen below finishing the London Marathon in a record time of 02:44:03! Social media around Calne went crazy during the race as people spotting the iconic purple vests and shirts took to posting whenever they could see a club member, the video below taken from one of their posts. Our club chairman Simon Nott came in at 24th place overall with a time of 02:22:38!! I know what you’re thinking, these guys are superhuman…or just very fast!
A massive well done to Simon, Phil, Dan, Alex, Colin, Celia, Amanda and Mandy who all took part from the club this year, it was a phenomenal and inspiring effort with fantastic times all round, with the rest of the club members, and most of Calne it seemed, having their gaze fixed on the footage or live map as the race took place, the results of our members this year are shown below:

Each year our club is allocated a couple of spaces in the London Marathon and are given out after our own internal ballot to club members that may have entered but missed out on a place during the main and official ballot
Below is a great shot of Simon coming through Canary Wharf on the day, if you look very closely you can see other runners through his dust in the far distance behind

Great times were had by all involved, and a few fellow runners from Chippenham Harriers were also in attendance
Will they come back for another attempt, and perhaps a new PB next year?…we’ll have to wait and see